Stackry shipping rates

Estimate shipping costs from Stackry's U.S. warehouse to any international destination


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Estimate your shipping rates

  • Enter package weight and dimensions for estimated shipping cost and carrier availability in your country or territory.
  • Can’t find your country or territory? Contact the Stackry team and we will provide you with a quote.
  • Changes in weight, dimensions, item value, and product classification can impact your final quote.

I have used MyUS and decided to try out Stackry. The first thing I noticed with Stackry is that they have faster package processing time. In addition, they have 45 days of free storage, and it is a great deal overall.

Lamin B, Gambia, June 5, 2024

International Shipping is about more than the price

Expert support

Stackry’s world class support team has seen it all and is here to help navigate everything from export paperwork to customs clearance and offer guidance on country specific shipping regulations.

Safety and security

Stackry understands the importance of keeping your items safe and secure. Your packages will be received at Stackry’s secure operations center, which is equipped with 24/7 state of the art surveillance inside and out.

Care in handling

Shipping valuable electronics? How about a rare collectible or high end sneakers? The Stackry operations team will package and handle your items with exceptional care.

Stackry plays by the rules

Stackry sets the industry standard for compliance and strict adherence to export regulations. Our operations team is International Air Transport Association (IATA) and Department of Transportation HAZMAT certified.

Your Questions Answered

Combien cela va-t-il coûter?
Le prix total dépend de la taille et du poids de votre colis Vous pouvez obtenir une estimation du coût total de vos frais de port grâce au Calculateur Stackry. Tous les transporteurs internationaux calculent le montant des frais de port à l'envoi du colis. Stackry vous propose une gamme de services de livraison pour répondre au mieux à vos besoins. Consuletez nos tarifs dans la section "Tarifs" Encore des questions?
Nous sommes là pour vous. Contactez un de nos experts en livraison à
Est-ce que les taxes et les frais de douane sont inclus dans les frais de port?
Le prix de livraison Stackry n'inclut pas les possibles taxes additionnelles. Les taxes et frais de port varient en fonction des pays. Pour avoir une estimation rapide des coûts supplémentaires dûs aux taxes et frais de douane, utilisez notre Calculateur de taxe ici. Si vous voulez en savoir plus sur les taxes et frais de douane dans votre pays, adressez-vous à votre bureau local des douanes. Encore des questions? Nous sommes là pour vous. Contactez un de nos experts en livraison à
Are there specific items that Stackry won't ship?
See Stackry's Prohibited Items page for more information, and contact if you have questions about a specific item before you ship to Stackry. Stackry prohibits any items which are prohibited by any laws, regulations, or statutes of any federal, state, or local government of any country through which the shipment may be carried. Any items that would require Stackry to obtain a special license to transport the shipment are also prohibited. Finally, Stackry prohibits items that would damage equipment, personnel, or other packages.