Get great deals from your favorite US stores! Shop online in the US and get your packages delivered to New Zealand with Stackry’s world class global shipping service.
Get the latest technology and hot new trends when you shop in US online stores. Use our simple online shipping calculator to discover how much you can save from your favorite brands and designer labels, shipped seamlessly from the US to New Zealand.
Thanks to our international shipping services, online shopping at US stores couldn’t be easier. Just complete your order and use your unique Stackry address at checkout. Once we receive your package, you can choose how you want us to ship it for you. Enter your shipping information below to find out how much you could save.
Your estimate will consider the shipping provider that you choose as well as the weight, size, and value of your packages, so it’s important that you enter accurate information so that you get an accurate estimate.
Joining Stackry is free! As soon as you sign up, you’ll be given your unique Stackry address and you’re ready to shop – just use your Stackry address at checkout and shop US online stores like an American.
Shop at any of your favorite U.S. stores, like Amazon, eBay, Macy’s, Sephora, Nordstrom, and hundreds more, and use your Stackry address at checkout!
After your packages arrive at Stackry, you'll have 45 days of free storage, giving you plenty of time to shop, consolidate your items, and maximize your savings before shipping!
I was amazed by the fast and quality service provided
This site is really helpful when you want to order from websites (or etsy stores) that only allow the shipment to the US. Excellent service and handling.
Thanks to your Stackry address, you won’t need to pay US State sales taxes, but you may need to pay taxes and duties when your package enters New Zealand. Customs doesn’t collect GST (Goods and Services Tax), duties, or fees for products (other than tobacco and alcohol) unless they are over NZ$1,000.
For a detailed breakdown and to estimate any charges, you can use the New Zealand Customs Service's "What's My Duty?" estimator.
The length of time it takes for your package to come from the US to New Zealand will depend on delivery time from the online store to your US address, how quickly you arrange shipping from US to New Zealand, and which shipping service you choose. Take a look at our international shipping options for more information.
Our high standard shipping services follow industry best practices when it comes to shipping your packages, particularly in terms of shipping hazardous materials, so it is important that you give us as much detail as possible about the packages you are shipping. Prohibited items include weapons, high value items, alcohol, drugs, and tobacco products.
New Zealand has a specific list of prohibited and restricted items, which you can view on the official New Zealand Custom Service Website