We have most of the answers. If not, please contact us.

Getting Started

Where can I find my Stackry U.S. address?

Sign up for a FREE Stackry account. Stackry will immediately email a confirmation with your new U.S. address. After signing up, you can also login to your Stackry dashboard at stackry.com, where your U.S. address will appear on the main page.

How do I sign up for a free Stackry account and U.S. address?

Visit Stackry’s sign up page and complete the registration form. Sign up is FREE and so is our membership.

How do I use Stackry’s service after signing up?

New clients receive a U.S. address at Stackry’s secure operations center immediatly after signing up. Simply enter that U.S. address in the shipping section at checkout for any U.S. retailer, complete your purchase, and Stackry will notify you via email whenever a package arrives in your locker. We’ll even include a FREE photo of each package!